2 matches found for "Animal hospital" in Wellington City, Wellington
This companion animal dermatology service was started by Duncan Graham BVSc BSc (Hons) in 2001 when he left general veterinary practice to concentrate solely on companion animal skin issues. Duncan brings more than 20 years’ experience to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic allergic skin conditions, recurrent ear infections, and any unusual presentations of a dermatological nature. Duncan travels from Nelson weekly or fortnightly to Wellington/ Te Whanganui-a-Tara where he sees cases referred by local veterinarians at two convenient locations: Pet Doctors Thorndon in the Capital Gateway on Thorndon Quay and Rappaw Central Veterinary Hospital, Kenepuru Drive, in Porirua.
Kelburn Vets provides personalised high quality care, we enjoy getting to know everyone that comes to see us. We are a small, independently owned, friendly clinic that aims to provide consistency of care by letting you see the same vet each time when possible. We have three vets, Brendon, Rachel and Vanessa. We are well equipped to care for all different kinds of pets. As well as being a full service clinic for cats and dogs, Brendon runs a referral service for rabbits, guinea pigs and other small mammals. Nothing is more important to us than the health of your pets. We provide the highest quality care possible.