We found 2 businesses in Patumahoe, Auckland
Farmhouse Preschools are two small privately owned and operated preschools on rural properties in Karaka and Patumahoe. At Farmhouse Preschool we believe in providing quality education and care for children aged 2-5 years. Choosing which preschool, daycare, kindy or ECE centre in which to enrol your child/ren is not an easy task. We bet you have a lot of questions! One of your first questions might be,"what is the difference between a preschool, a daycare, a kindy and an ECE centre?" The answer is simple... it's basically just a name! We all have to follow the same set of regulations and guidelines from the Ministry of Education, but we all have our own underlying beliefs and we all cater for the different needs and desires of our communities.
The Village Bar Patumahoe is a relaxing setting to meet locals and enjoy your time out