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Architect in Nelson City

4 matches found for "Architect" in Nelson City, Nelson

Architect in Maitai

Architects are often reluctant to show their own houses for fear that people will think that is all they do, but hopefully, from other examples here you will see houses completely different to this. Its an adobe (mud brick) house made from bricks made from earth on site with the only addition being chopped straw. It has an independent power system (solar, wind and hydro), a composting toilet to capture fertility from bodily wastes and minimise water use, a grey water system including a urinal flushed by the handbasin that is used to water the orchard below the house and rainwater water supply.

Architect in Toi Toi

We create inspiring spaces for everyday people, consciously using resources that don’t cost the planet. Our aim is to make architecture more inclusive, environmental, and affordable. We value relationships and actively collaborate and co-create with our clients, communities, and makers. We design with the intention to leave positive and beautiful architectural marks without the ecological harm.

Architect in Nelson

Nelson New Zealand architects, award-winning Redbox architects. Offers architectural design services for residential houses, school, and educational buildings, commercial buildings, and industrial and community projects. Nelson New Zealand architects, award-winning Redbox architects.

Architect in Nelson

With over three decades experience in all things property, construction, architecture and strategic asset management we can tackle any challenge.

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