3 matches found for "Child care agency" in Cambridge, Waikato
Educare Tree Town provides a "child centred"play environment where children are encouraged to be problem solvers and explorers. Our programme is play based with an emphasis on incorporating numeracy and literacy in meaningful ways to children. Our preschool supports children to develop the foundation skills needed to be successful at school and has a school readiness programme to support children in their transition to school.
Warm & welcoming staff who are passionate about teaching and learning. James Gray Kindergartens Waikato is well-respected for delivering high-quality, affordable (cheap!) education and childcare in Cambridge. Transition to school programme. Programme (eg. recycling, composting, gardening). Enviroschools An exclusive early childhood partnership with them to eat healthy, be active & have fun! Children develop social interaction and respect.
If you're looking for a quality experience for your child, you've come to the right place! We believe quality early childhood education makes a significant difference in the way a child learns and develops throughout their life.